Love the color accent feature :)
Graffiti is everywhere...
We climbed all these stairs... And more... My legs were putty afterwards
Wouldn't it be awesome to live here???
I can't get enough of the artwork - it's everywhere! :)
Salsa lady
Postcards and paintings
Sunflowers! :)
Look at the detail in this painting....
Old men playing chess in the painters' area :) (notice the tree behind the one guy - it's a painting in the knot!)
You would not believe the yummy-ness inside :)
Oh my goodness...
I had to get one! (tarte au fraises)
Eating outside Sacre Coeur and listening to music
Look at the marshmallow man this child is eating! :)
I want to ride this carousel so badly! I will when it gets warmer :)
We went to a ton of fabric stores
This one had miniature mannequins displaying possible outfits you could make with the fabric
Tons of thread
Mom suggested I make a collage of metro pictures when I get back so I've been making sure that I take tons of pictures :)
Each stop has a cool color or theme
This girl was like a little doll - even with heals she couldn't have been more than 4'10"
As stated earlier, love the color accent feature :)
The stop at Concorde had words in tile on the ceiling!
Oh boy!
I liked it a lot :)
Lived in some more...
Really lived in some more... :-D